Quality Program
•SISCO has a controlled quality manual formatted under ISO9000 – 2000 issued by DNV. Products are certified by CE and WRAS.
•Quality Control Plan in place with critical specifications and statistical requirements for key customer, or special products.
•SISCO implements Quality Cost Control Program with data analysis and use data for cost reduction and for developing continue improvement plans. DMAIC model used.
A.External and internal defects recorded and charted.
B.Defect data with analysis reported to monthly quality management meeting.
C.Identify critical defect usually repeatable defects and set corrective and preventive actions.
D.Corrective and preventive actions are implemented and tracked. Results reviewed.
E.Cost saved from eliminating such defects then evaluated and recorded.
External NCR
Internal NCR
•Incoming inspection, in-process inspection and final inspection SOP documented, controlled and implemented.
•Results and findings are analyzed and used for quality information to monthly quality management meeting.
•Recorded defects and analysis are used for developing corrective and preventive actions. Actions implemented and followed up.
•Documented procedure in place for product identification and traceability including original order, order confirmation, inspection report and shipping documents. All records kept for 3 years.
•Comprehensive training program in place.
A.Training policy posted within Employee handbook.
B.Manufacturing employees trained and certified.
C.All employees performing specialized tasks trained and certified. Special functional job includes soldering, welding, bonding, electrical, and calibration.
•Except SISCO’s own foundry, machining shop and paint house, we have over 45 qualified suppliers audited and listed in ERP system supplying rough castings, machined parts, special coated parts and resilient valve seats.
•Symmetrical programs in place used for supplier selecting, auditing and rating.
A.SSIE used for supplier selection
B.MAR used for annual supplier audit and rating.
•Formal supplier corrective action system in place focusing on supplier’s quality and on-time delivery performance.
Incoming Inspection
•A part-specific and documented procedure for incoming inspection in place and the procedure being controlled.
A.After successful first article inspection, first 10% lots inspected for critical characteristics, then all future lots go Dock to Stock. Future quality problems require re-inspection of first 10% lots to and re-certification.
B.Critical certificates of compliance characteristics are confirmed by inspection, and results filed.
C.All inspections performed per documented procedure, results filed.
D.Good conditions in receiving inspection with adequate equipment.
E.Process in place to identify, visual isolate, and resolve issues that arise during incoming material acceptance.
F.Third party incoming inspection is possible based on customer’s request.
Process Control
•Single directional factory outlay designed to prevent unchecked parts going into assembly work shop.
•Effective assembly units in place with entire part-specific manufacturing process flow documented.
A.Strategic goal subdivided into each functional units with target set and KPIs tied to it. KPIs reviewed regularly.
B.Work and safety instruction, quality procedure and policy available for each units.
C.Accept/reject criteria set for each unit. In-process inspection implemented.
D.Non-conformity Product Control specifies notification, segmentation from production, and resolution with time process for defects found in-process.
E.All test-related processes documented and controlled. Operators trained and certified.
•Independent assembly unit set for key customer or key product.
Facility & Compliance
•Manufacturing facilities and equipment well organized and maintained. Excellent general housekeeping.
● A.Assembly area free from congestion.
● B.A sprinkler system installed, fire extinguishers available, charged and in good condition.
● C.Health and safety policies and procedures developed and implemented.
● D.Safety working instruction available for all employees. All employees educated toward importance of safety production.
● E.No abuse of adult workers in workplace.
● F.No under-age worker employed.
Calibration & Maintenance
•Calibration program fully documented.
•All calibration cycles done on schedule with records.
•Preventive Maintenance cycles on schedule and tied to production planning.
•Tooling and fixtures identified by part number and revision level.
•Cycle count management equipment installed to monitor when the tooling should be maintained/replaced.
•The production tooling storage area clean, structure and placement appropriate, and are tools labeled, properly conditioned, and protected.
•Used tooling inspected sufficiently in advance of being used for production and maintained in compliance with the schedule or repaired/replaced.
Production Realization
•Documented ordering process in relationship to flow charts with timelines.
•ERP system in use as the documented production planning process.
•Production scheduling system integrated with MRP to manage job leveling to the line, job sequencing/routing, and generates target ship dates for single unit jobs.
•New Product/Project Develop Procedure in place to instruct and control the process of new product development.
•SISCOs mission is to provide competitiveness to Key customers. Our commitment is to seek and understand customer’s real needs and develop new products together with customer or by ourselves to achieve cost reduction, profit increase and market share enlargement. We commit to contribute to customers new product development programs.